Woodfired Ovens FAQs
Can your Ovens be installed inside as well as outside?
Both ovens can be used inside and out. The ideal solution for fitting into a professional kitchen is the Sheffield as it comes in kit form. Whilst the Pro Oven can be used inside, and indeed we have seen them fitted into things such as horse-boxes and Airstreams, as it comes ready assembled it can present problems when having to install it in a place where the initial access is restricted.
How easy are they to light?
You just need a few eco flamers, kindling and kiln dried logs
How long can I keep the fire in?
The amount of logs you put in controls the temperature of the oven. The more you put in the hotter it gets
How quickly does it reach cooking temperature?
Both ovens are ready to cook after 30 mins
What temperature does the oven reach?
We recommend 200º-250ºC for roasting and 300º-400ºC for pizzas
How easy are they to install?
Pro oven arrives fully assembled ready to go. The Sheffield needs to be built in. We provide all the extra installation materials
How portable are they?
The Pro ovens come on wheels and weigh from just 100 kilos
How many pizzas can I cook at once?
12” Pizzas: The 74cm – 1 | The 84cm – 2 | The 94cm – 3 | The 104cm – 4 | The 114 – 5 | The Sheffield 120 – 4 | The Sheffield 140 – 6
Can I cook other things in the oven apart from Pizzas?
Of course, meat, fish vegetables – everything!!
Do the ovens come with any extras?
Yes, Log mover, Brush, Metal Peel, Wooden Paddle & Flamers. The Pros come with ash remover as well
Are they waterproof
Yes, both ovens can be left outside all year round.