About Prowoodfired Ovens

Tim Reeves, founder and CEO of Prowoodfired Ovens, started selling woodfired ovens back in 2003. Back then it was a natural sideline to the Al Fresco catering company, Blistering Barbecues, which he ran with his chef partner Nigel Tunicliffe. Blistering rose from small beginnings (one barbecue in the back of an old Transit van) to be the foremost Al Fresco catering company in the country. A typical season saw them catering for the likes of The (then) Prince of Wales, Bob Geldof, Nigella Lawson, Hugh Fearnley-Wittingstall and the Hairy Bikers. The also scaled up to cook for 14,000 in two days in Battersea Park and for 30,000 over four locations for a major merchant bank.
Although they still run the catering business, it has recently been scaled back to concentrate on the woodfired ovens – a passion grown out of twenty-five years of cooking with fire. Their experience at the (char)coal face means the design of the ovens places the chef front and centre. No one knows better the need for a woodfired oven to get up to cooking speed quickly and then to maintain a constant heat with the minimum amount of fuel. All the ovens have been designed with this in mind.
So, if you’re looking for a woodfired oven for your pub, restaurant, farm shop, going mobile or maybe just the back garden, then please give us a call on 01825 714712. We will be delighted to bring all our experience of woodfired cooking to helping you choose the right oven for your needs.